building materials

  1. February 27, 2023

    How Many Bricks Do I Need? How To Calculate Brick Quantities

    If you're undertaking a new project, one of the first hurdles you have to clear is getting an accurate estimate of the building materials you need. Building a brick structure is no different, and understanding how to know how many bricks you need is the first step!

    Ordering the wrong number of bricks can either delay your project or waste money - being able to calculate the total number of bricks required means you can get it right the first time. In this blog, we'll guide you through the process with our brick calculator, so you can estimate the number of bricks you need without the hassle.


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  2. January 19, 2023

    What Is The Difference Between C16 And C24 Timber?

    Purchasing timber can come with surprising confusion. There are so many options on the market and technical terms that can leave you wondering which option is the best for your project. Timber is an essential material for a variety of joinery requirements, so figuring out which types of timber you should be using is important.

    C16 and C24 are the most popularly used treated timber grades used in the UK, but what exactly are they, and what are the differences? In this blog, we'll cover the benefits and the variations available,

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